Applicant or Recipient's Rights and Responsibilities - Intentional Program Violation (IPV) 448-01-35-20

(Revised 3/1/12 ML #3304)

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When a notice of IPV hearing has been issued, the applicant, recipient or their authorized representative must be allowed an opportunity to:


  1. At a reasonable time before the hearing and during the hearing:
  1. Examine the contents of the household’s case file.


  1. Examine all documents and records used at the hearing.
  1. Present the case or have it presented by an authorized representative who could include legal counsel or an interpreter, or both.


  1. Bring witnesses.


  1. Establish all pertinent facts and circumstances.


  1. Advance arguments without undue interference.


  1. Question or contest any testimony or evidence, including the opportunity to confront and cross-examine adverse witnesses.